ADHD symptoms may include:
- Difficulty paying attention to details/makes careless mistakes.
- Difficulty sustaining attention in tasks that require mental effort such as homework or studying
- Trouble with organization
- Doesn’t seem to listen when spoken to directly
- Has trouble with organization
- Loses things
- Easily distracted
- Forgetful in daily activities
For those who might be hyperactive or impulsive it can also include:
- Fidgets/squirms
- Acts as if driven by a motor
- Has trouble staying seated
- Runs/climbs or is restless (in teens it may be challenging to wait ones turn or stand in line).
- Talks too much
- Has difficulty awaiting turn
- Interrupts conversations or intrudes on others.
The above challenges can lead to:
- Difficulty with friendships
- Challenges with taking perspective
- Organization
- Time management
- Completion of Tasks
Our team is here to help you to determine the best course of action, whether it be executive functioning, social skills, mindfulness, parent training, consulting with the school, we will do what is necessary to help you and your child to work to their best potential.