Poor academic performance

academic performance
  • Are you noticing that your child is doing poorly in school?
  • Their grades are slipping?
  • Are you getting phone calls from your child’s school about their behaviors and performance?

There are many children/teens who have experienced this. Our therapists will work diligently to figure out the cause of their struggles. Academic challenges can be due to many things. We have learned that it can be due to difficulties with peers, stressors in the home environment, academic difficulties as well as many others.

Our team is here to help you and your child solve this issue so they can have the best possible school experience. After all, they spend most of their day in the school environment. Therefore we want to make it as pleasant as possible. We will work collaboratively with you as well as the school (if needed) to help you take advantage of what your school has to offer.

Our specialists will help with:

  • Identifying barriers that get in the way of success.
  • Learning how to get the help and support needed.
  • Obtaining a school observation if needed.
  • Guidance on requesting a 504 or an IEP evaluation if warranted.
  • Working with you and your child on developing a successful plan to complete work.
  • Introducing a behavior plan (if necessary).
  • Working with the parents and school collaboratively.

Take your first step.

Contact Exceptional Wellness Counseling at (908) 415-2042 to get your child on a successful path.