
Are you going through a separation or divorce? Are you dating or getting remarried? Are you worried about the impact it will have on your children?

As we know, approximately 40% of marriages end in divorce. Divorce impacts not only you, but your children. There are so many changes to adjust to and many feelings come with these new changes.

Both children and teens have reported the following feelings surrounding changes in the home:

  • Feeling confused-“Who will I live with”, “Who will I spend the holidays with”? “Will we have to move”?
  • Feeling unsafe because their whole world is changing.
  • Upset due to parents fighting or talking about one another.
  • Stresses over financial changes and impact on their life.

Children/teens can have negative emotions as well. You may notice the following signs:

  • Anger
  • Low self-esteem
  • Isolation
  • Change in behavior
  • Anxiety/Fear
  • Feelings of abandonment

Our therapists will offer the guidance and support necessary to navigate through this challenging time. Our goal is to help your teen to feel understood and know that they can still have a relationship with both parents despite the change. Please call us at (908) 415-2042 to begin.