I’m Not Lazy, I’m Depressed

| Written by Jessica Lelinho, MA, LPC, NCC, LCADC, C-DBT Do you feel like you’re constantly sad? Feel like you’re never able to be happy? I think it’s safe to say that at times we all get sad in some way or another. When our feelings of sadness become debilitating we need to talk to…
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My Brain’s Moving Fast

| Written by Jessica Lelinho, MA, LPC, NCC, LCADC, C-DBT Do you feel like your brain is moving fast? Feel like you’re never able to focus on one task or even concentrate? I think it’s safe to say that at times we all get easily distracted in some way or another. But when we feel…
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Give Your Brain a Break . . . Let It Go

| Written by Jessica Lelinho, MA, LPC, NCC, LCADC, C-DBT Do you feel like you’re constantly worrying or sweating the small stuff? Feel like you’re never able to calm down? I think it’s safe to say that at times we all struggle with anxiety in some way or another. Some anxiety is healthy anxiety, however,…
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Don’t Let Rock Bottom Define You

Anxiety, Depression, Trauma
| Written by Jessica Lelinho, MA, LPC, NCC, LCADC, C-DBT It’s the weekend, you’re excited to go out with your friends to the local bar or restaurant. You promise yourself it’s only going to be one drink. Well one drink turns into two drinks and two drinks turns into three drinks. Next thing you know…
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Inhale the Present, Exhale Distractions

Anxiety, Depression
| Written by Jessica Lelinho, MA, LPC, NCC, LCADC, C-DBT Do you feel like your life is so busy that you’re constantly running from one thing to another? Feel like you’re not always present in the moment and always distracted by something else? Sometimes, our life is so busy that we forget to observe and…
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Stress Less, Live More!

| Written by Jessica Lelinho, MA, LPC, LCADC Do you feel like your life is chaotic? Always feeling tense or stressed about something? I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all experienced stress at some point in our lives. Now I’m not saying that we like stress or feeling stressed out, but some stress…
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What To Do About Winter Blues

Anxiety, Depression
| Written by Bridgette Vina, MS, LAC The holidays are over, school and work have resumed, and the bitter cold has hit hard. Less sunlight, increased risk of illness, and isolation due to the cold all create a recipe for decreased mood. Many clients report an increase in depression symptoms during winter and after the…
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Why Cooking is Good for Us

Anxiety, Depression
| Written by Rebecca Shack, MS, LPC, NCC For many of us, food and memories can be connected. Whether it be food from childhood that brings you comfort as an adult or your favorite holiday meal, food plays an important role in our lives. It is a common ground for many. Cooking can also help…
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The Balancing Act

| Written by Jessica Lelinho, MA, LPC, LCADC Image by Energepic.com via Pexels.com Finishing up your work day before the weekend can be relieving but then you remember that when you leave work you have to run to an appointment. From there you need to go food shopping or run errands. Managing to balance it…
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